Your guide to Afro haircare

Your guide to Afro haircare

In a world that's so focused on aesthetics, hair transcends significance. It can serve as a reflection of cultural identity, personal expression and self-confidence. For people with Afro-textured hair, nurturing and maintaining the hair is not just a routine, it's a ritual that connects them to their heritage and individuality. We've seen celebrities embrace their natural hair, from Lupita N'yongo through to Beyoncé, who just recently announced that she's launching a hair-care, and we bet it'll focus on Afro-hair.

But first, let's understand Afro hair:

It's characterised by its unique curl pattern and structure. It demands specialised care and attention (and there are soooooo many good brands you can shop from - a personal favourite of ours is BREAD). Unlike straight or wavy hair, Afro hair tends to be more prone to dryness and breakage due to its natural structure, which makes it harder for the scalp's oils to travel down the hair shaft. As it has such a distinctive composition, it needs a tailored approach to maintain its vitality and luster.

But why is haircare important?

Let's go through the basics first: Preserving moisture balance. Moisture is so, so, so, paramount for Afro-textured hair. Without adequate hydration, hair can become a little brittle and susceptible to damage. Incorporating moisturising techniques such as deep conditioning, co-washing and liquid-oil-creams can help lock in moisture to prevent dryness, promoting hair elasticity and strength. 

Preventing Breakage and Damage

We get it. We all love switching things up and playing around with wigs and weaves. We really do get it. But sadly, Afro hair is actually prone to breakage and damage to due its fragile nature. Factors such as excessive heat styling, harsh chemicals and improper handling can exacerbate this vulnerability. Adopting protecting (and natural) styles such as braids, twits, bands knots can help minimise the risk of breakage. Also, let's avoid the heat!

Embracing Au Naturale

Embracing natural hair texture is so powerful and so empowering for women, but particularly black women. For years, we've seen some of the most beloved black women embrace natural hair. Diana Ross pioneered in this space. It's a form of self-affirmation and empowerment. Afro hair comes in diverse textures, from tightly coiled to loosely curled, each possessing its beauty and charm. By nursing and celebrating natural hair, individuals affirm their cultural heritage and challenge societal norms, fostering a sense of pride and confidence in their identity.

How to look after your hair and our favourite products to use:

Regularly moisture. We love applying our Idan Oil to our routine, as this keeps our hair soft, and pumps in heaps of moisture. The coconut oil repairs damaged hair and works wonderfully to keep hair protected from breakage.

Gentle detangling: Ok, this we know is hard. But using a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle hair gently, starting from the ends and working your way through to the roots really supports with minimising damage.

Protective styling: Experiment with protective hairstyles. Yes, yes, we've mentioned this but it's important. Try twists or braids and buns to shield the hair from environmental aggressors. 

Finally, and probably the most important: Scalp Care. Massage your scalp regularly and use a really good scrub to get our debris and detox. Get rid of that build up. Once you've done that, incorporate our Shea Butter into your routine and your life will be changed.

Take our word for it.

Abi and Liha x

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